
10 Moments: Ryu Akaidra

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He can only remembered vague memories, blurred images of his earliest childhood of being with other people, being with a young woman with blue hair like his. If he strained himself very hard, faint, just barely there in his mind’s eye, pictures and words came to him. Yet, their meaning came up blank.
Vaguely, he remembered people talking; the blue-haired woman frowning, before talking to...a lady? After that was... darkness.
The next thing he knew, he was awaked and looking up at a strange yet oddly comforting woman. She was pretty, with her black hair tied back in a short braid and her strangely crimson eyes looking at him. He remembered feeling strange around her, an unfamiliar feeling that he cannot described. But what’s next, he do recalled very clearly.

“Ryu... Agaidra?” He said, trying out the words with his mouth.
“Ryu Akaidra,” She corrected, smiling as he repeated his attempt. After all, it would be his new name.
Long after their meeting, Ryu had found himself living with the strange woman, the one whom he called ‘Mama’ back then. Every time he’s near her, the strange feeling kept coming back; he’s not sure if it’s a good thing or bad, for all he knows it could be a normal thing in his situation...right?
“A...Akaid...ra?” Ryu tried again, the woman’s strange surname rolled off his tongue. It was awkward, but pronounced right.
She smiled, in warmth and ‘something’, before pulling him into a hug. “That’s a good boy, Ryu.”

He remembered discussing with his Mama (not ‘arguing’) about his looks. He had conceded to dyed his blue hair black, to matched his new parent’s, but was relentless in keeping his eyes.
It could be sense of identity on what he used to look like, or the teasing that might result if he adopted his Mama’s eyes. After all, her eye colour was quite rare, even more so than his natural hair colour.
But inwardly, Ryu knew the real reason why he doesn’t use contact lens. To their world, crimson eyes were associated with demons and darkness, possessions and monsters that still run rampant in the wild. Even before his ‘proper education’, he instinctively knew this and refused.
Mama had looked resigned, but allowed him to have his way with a glimpse of (Ryu thought he had imagine it, but couldn’t be sure) pride.
Looking at the mirror, his blue eyes stared back at him from underneath dyed black hair. The only sign of his old self was the blue roots near his scalp, hidden by the mess that was known as hair.

He was nervous and excited on his first day at school. Besides being with his Mama and friends (like Aunt Pyxie), this was his first time spending most of the day without them.
Despite urging from the teacher, Ryu didn’t make much effort in making friends. He has nothing against the other children, personally, but wasn’t sure if they’re good people.
Despite his feelings, somehow, he ended up playing with a blonde girl in a dress. Somehow...
“Hi, my name is Nina! What’s your name?”

After school, he told his Mama about his day. At first, his voice was quiet and low, before it steadily builds momentum into a happy chatter as days went by. She just smiled and nodded, listening to his day’s activities.
However, every time Ryu mentioned his friend, Nina, to her, a strange look had appeared in her eyes, before they were gone. While still young, he had dismissed it, but as he grew older, Ryu couldn’t help but wonder about it.
Still, Mama didn’t forbid him from playing with Nina. That’s something, right?

As he grew older, Ryu had switched from using ‘Mama’ to ‘Mum’, and started having special lessons school didn’t have. They’re mostly extensions or advanced work of what he’s studying, other times they’re something else entirely.
One day, just out of the blue, he had just to ask. “Mum, why am I learning about malice, the supernatural and...” He trailed off, unsure of how to end it.
Mum smiled, the comforting yet strange smile, and ruffled his hair. “So you won’t be caught unaware, Ryu, or ignorant of the world under the mask of peace.”
Her smile was warm, reassuring and strange; even so, he continued his studies.

Lately, Ryu has noticed Mum’s growing displeasure. At first, she seemed mildly annoyed, but it grew and grew into frustration. One time, he had witnessed seeing Mum losing her temper on a person he’s seen from her work.
When he asked, she took a deep breath to calm down and gave him a simple answer.
“I was not happy because some of my friends and even my dear brother won’t help me with work.” There’s a strange emphasis on those two words, but Ryu didn’t know it until way later.
He was too busy being angry at his uncle. Family are supposed to help each other!

Admittedly, Ryu never once met Uncle Lee directly. All he had to go by are photos, news and stories told by Mum and her work colleagues. He knew that Uncle Lee once travelled with Mum and others to fight the Sanctus Sceptrum’s organisation, and that he’s an excellent swordsman. So great, that many combat schools were desperately begging for him to join them as an instructor. He heard tales and accounts on how his uncle acted as a teenager with Mum, helping her, even when things went wrong.
So why, Ryu wondered, why did his uncle declined helping Mum? From what she told him, it’s to help out with a project, which can help many people around the world when perfected.
Why, uncle?

Mum’s hurt, Mum’s hurt. The words repeated in his mind like a mantra, staring inside through an opened door with wide, frightened eyes.
Mum, lying on the floor, injured. His uncle, standing above her with a sword (‘Rutila, the Blood Blade,’ Mum cited, smiling) pointing at her neck. His Mum, covered in the familiar malice aura, which seemed to be getting darker and darker. Uncle, giving her a hard stare, showing no affection whatsoever, which was usually evident in the photos Ryu had seen back home.
Mum, Mum, Mum...
“For the last time, you aren’t my sister...” Whatever he had said afterward, Ryu didn’t remembered. He had run into the room, power flowing out of his body, transforming into something unlike his Mum’s Fusion form.
Stay away from her!” Ryu shouted, before roaring and tackled his surprised uncle. His (young) dragon form floated in the air, giving him and the group behind Lee a glare, before landing beside Mum.
“...! A Dragon Clansman?! I thought they were wiped out!” A brunet man (‘Musical Sage, Derek Pax,’ Mum said, pointing at the man with a beautiful flute in the group photo) exclaimed, looking at Ryu with shock.
Uncle Lee was silent, giving the young Dragon Clansman a look, before turning it onto Mum.

The more he matured and developed his Dragon powers, the more Ryu becomes aware of the nature of Mum and her work with the Dark Void Society. Their true nature and work ethnic, the reason why they pursue it, and Mum...
The Dragon in him murmured, enquiring him about his thoughts and feelings on her. Mum, the woman who has taken him in after that strange incident, who take care of him, teach him whenever possible. ‘Ah, but will you still follow her?’
‘Even after knowing who she really is?’

Ryu glanced up and smiled the same one he learned from Mum. Of course, Astra.
Even if her work place was suspicious and border lining some things people will protest about, he’ll support her.
Even if her ‘friends’ and ‘brother’ turned away, he’ll be by her side.
And even if she’s not truly human, he still loves her.
After all, he’s Ryu Akaidra, son of Pyra ‘Caliga’ Akaidra, the Malice Mistress. And nothing will change that, ever.
10 Moments from the life of Ryu Akaidra, one of my characters who'll appear after Anonymous Believers. This follows, vaguely, a timeline of his life after being adopted by my username-based OC.

And 'Aunt Pyxie' mentioned here is just Rapyx's nickname (only Ryu was able to get away with it).

Also, I based Ryu off the BoF's Ryus, but I changed him so he's rather unique to me.

Even so, I wonder if anyone wonders if there's something up here... ^o~

Ryu Akaidra, Sanctus Sceptrum, Dark Void Society, etc (c) pyra-akaidra
© 2008 - 2024 pyra-akaidra
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